Text & Photos
© M. Heiß
The numbers of migrating birds decrease day by day and the end of the spring count is near. Seawatching produced a good day of migrating Arctic Skuas together with Common Terns. Two exhausted Arctic Skuas rested along the beach. One of them was already dying, so I checked the beach the next day for more birds, when I found eight (!) dead along the shore.
Arctic Skua on the beach |
Still alive - An Arctic Skua chasing a Sandwich Tern |
Raptor migration still continues along the foothills with 700 Steppe Buzzards and 35 Steppe Eagles on one day. Only a few Honey Buzzards occured so far.
Large flock of migrating Steppe Buzzards |
Steppe Eagle |
Nice surprise - Demoiselle Cranes on migration |
Distant view of Besh Barmag |
Poisonous Levant Viper |
After two killed Levant Vipers I was glad to find this one alive |
Sheltopusiks are widespread and common in the foothills |
Green Warbler in the bushes |
Several Rufous Bush Robins sing in the bushes |
A Cuckoo with its prey |
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