During my wader counts at Lake Machmudchala I discovered two interesting
Penduline Tits, which somehow look like Black-headed Penduline Tits (Remiz macronyx) or at least like hybrids. Both had blackish heads with a various
amount of grey feathers in the nape. Unfortunately, the plumage was heavily worn.
One bird had a blackish throat with some skin visible, grey neck and forehead.
Tail and flight feathers were without broad white fringes (but maybe also worn).
The second bird had a more whitish throat and dark grey feathers surrounded a large
black mask. As in the other bird no broad white fringes on flight and tail
feathers were visible. A possible third bird with a black head was also
observed. In addition, I also observed two young birds in the reed bed,
which might belong to the black-headed birds.
Any comments on the ID are welcome!
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