Text © Pia Fetting
This blogpost covers the
time between the 4th and 16th of September before the BirdCamp at Besh Barmag
started. During these days Chris and I were in Azerbaijan, later joined by
Micha. We mainly did migration counts (the numbers are available on trektellen:
http://trektellen.org/maps/index/0/1533) at Besh Barmag and went to some other
places on excursions.
Dunes at Besh Barmag © Pia Fetting
When we arrived at Besh
Barmag in the beginning of September, temperatures were still above 30 degrees
celsius and there was not much visible migration going on. Unfortunately, the lagoons
were completely dried out, but there were lots of Red-breasted and Spotted
Flycatchers, Lesser Whitethroats and several other species of warblers in the
shrubs around. For waders and other waterfowl, of course, the conditions could
have been better. The rubbish dump of the local chicken factory provided food
for numerous gulls and raptors, Rooks and Starlings. Among them we observed up
to 20 Black Vultures, some Imperial Eagles and single Black Storks together
with several Marsh Harries and Black Kites.
Red-breasted Flycatcher © Christoph Himmel |
Field camp © Christoph Himmel
On one afternoon we went
for a brief visit close to the village of Shabran. Red-footed Falcons, Lesser
Grey Shrikes, European and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters were roosting on the wires
everywhere along the roads and finally we found some waterbirds. Including, 11
species of waders, two first calendar year and one adult Collared Pratincole,
130 Little Egrets, 160 White-winged Black and 30 Whiskered Terns feed and
rested on the mud flats of drained fish ponds.
Collared Pratincole © Christoph Himmel
Heuglin's Gull © Pia Fetting |
Lesser Kestrel © Pia Fetting |
Our main ambition,
however, was doing migration counts and numbers of migrating birds and species
diversity increased day by day. Before noon Yellow Wagtails,
Starlings with still some Rosy Starlings among them, Barn Swallows and Sand
Martins were the most numerous species in the coastal plain. In the afternoon we
switched to the dunes for seawatching. Here, different species of dabbling
ducks (like Shoveler, Pintail, Garganey, Teal) and terns (like Common,
White-winged Black, Whiskered, Gull-billed and Caspian Tern) dominated. The
most exciting day was on 15th of September (Link:
http://trektellen.org/count/view/1533/20160915) as migration already was great,
but we also saw 11 Sociable Lapwings migrating just above our heads.
Seawatching © Pia Fetting
A single Sandwich Tern between Gull-billed and White-winged © Christoph Himmel |
Squacco Heron at the beach © Christoph Himmel
Another trip was to the
steppes of Gobustan and Shirvan National Park, where we found the anticipated
Wheatear – species (Finsch´s, Black-eared melanoleuca, Isabelline) and had close
views to some Ménétries´s Warbler. Additionally about 15 Black Francolin showed
up in Shirvan NP quite well and even a Purple Swamphen appeared for some
seconds at Flamigo Lake.
Finch's Wheatear © Christoph Himmel
Black-eared Wheatear © Pia Fetting
Isabelline Wheatear © Christoph Himmel |
Black Francolin © Christoph Himmel
At the Flamingo Lake © Pia Fetting
The day when Micha arrived we
drove up to the mountaintop of Besh Barmag, which not only provided a great
panorama but also brought new species. On the way up we spotted a late juvenile
Woodchat Shrike and a Pied Wheatear welcomed us at the top. Blue Rock Thrushes
were around, a pair of Rock Nuthatch displayed in front of us and we saw
Egyptian Vultures plus Long-legged Buzzard on eyelevel. Further in the Candy –
Cane Mountains at the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus we found tasty
figs and surprisingly high numbers of Chukar: in total 36 birds were counted here!
Blue Rock Thrush © Christoph Himmel
Fantastic view from the hilltop © Pia Fetting
Birding in the Candy Canes © Pia Fetting
Chukars © Christoph Himmel
Yummi... © Pia Fetting |
Just the day the BirdCamp
started temperatures dropped and we had the first rain since our arrival.
However, for the arriving participants this was nothing to worry about since
the change in weather conditions increased migration. The reports on the
BirdCamp can be found in older posts.